NPR // All Songs Considered

“I've fallen hard for an artist who is new to me. Arthur Moon is led by Lora-Faye Åshuvud. The music is ethereal at times and spacious, with lyrics that are often visual, somewhat like an abstract painting." - Bob Boilen, NPR // Read it here.


“Avant-pop group Arthur Moon are more than happy to deconstruct the conventions of typical pop music to make a new, fresh sound. Their recent string of singles, like “I Feel Better” and “Homonormo,” employ typical rhythms like pounding beats and smooth-as-silk synths, while also twisting and distorting them to the point where they’re nearly unrecognizable.” - Stephen Daw, Billboard // Read it here.


“Arthur Moon is queering pop.” - Jael Goldfine, PAPER Mag // Read it here.